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HomeEventsPaintsites: Carmelite Monastery, Santa Clara

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Paintsites: Carmelite Monastery, Santa Clara

About this event

Carmelite Monastery, 1000 Lincoln St, Santa Clara, CA 95050

Thursday, May 9, 2024 (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)


Link to Paintsites Blogspot past visit Carmelite 2014

Link to Paintsites Blogspot past visit Carmelite 2017

Please note time change.

Street Parking on Lincoln.  See Directions below.

We will paint at the public grounds of a cloistered monastery in Santa Clara.  There is a beautiful chapel, bell tower, cloister walk, large olive grove, and small garden.  It is an oasis of tranquility. A 1970 marker on the monastery grounds states about the chapel, “It is considered the most perfect example of Spanish Renaissance Ecclesiastical architecture in the New World.” 
Because the roads inside the monastery grounds are quite narrow, we have been asked not to set up our easels on the roads.
Directions:  From San Tomas Expressway, take Benton Street east and drive 0.9 miles, turn right onto Lincoln Street.  Partway up the block you will find the gate leading to the monastery.  Because parking inside the monastery grounds is quite limited, we have been asked to park along Lincoln Street.  Walk through the gate and along the tree-lined road.  It is about 500 feet from the gate to the front of the chapel.

Cancellations - See General Information tab

Attendance: Attendance is free and is open to all non SCVWS members and non-members


Painting of Carmelite Monastery by Jane Saltman 2017

Date and Time

Thursday, May 9, 2024, 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM


23000 Cristo Rey Drive
Los Altos, CA   95014



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